About Tamara and Metamorphic Spirit

About Tamara and Metamorphic Spirit

Hello and welcome to Metamorphic Spirit. As you can see by my inventory, I have a love for and a connection to rocks and crystals. I will be posting more about them on future blogs. This post is for anyone interested in my oracle card readings, mediumship services and soul coaching sessions. The three services really do overlap. Any time I do a card reading for a client, I do so with the intent of providing them with information that is good for their soul and their growth on their life journey. When I do readings I connect with a variety of sources, including crossed over loved ones. That is where the mediumship aspect of my services comes into play. I deliver the messages from whatever source provides them.

I find my deepest connection is to the fairies, animal spirit guides and nature spirits. These sources, along with my own spirit guides are who I most often hear from when I do readings for myself. I have experience in readings connecting to the angles as well as crossed over loved ones. When reading for clients I tap into the sources that the client most closely identifies with as well as the sources from which the message the client needs to hear is coming from.

Each reading is an adventure, following the guidance of the universe provides, I intend that my clients get the message they need.

If you have any questions about my services or my particular style of reading I can be reached at metamorphicspirit@gmail.com.

My Facebook page is a good place to go for daily cards as well as videos and more.

So welcome to Metamorphic Spirit, where just like metamorphic rocks, it is over time, through life's pressures that our true beauty is revealed. 

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