August brings Green Leaves and Green Birthstones

August brings Green Leaves and Green Birthstones

The most well known birthstone for the month of August is Peridot. Peridot is a volcanic stone formed from olivine. When it is gem quality it is termed as peridot. Peridot is a fabulous green colour. It is associated with the heart chakra and brings good health. Love and happiness. It inspired confidence and creativity. Most often those who want help with public speaking will seek a throat chakra crystal but with its ability to make the wearer more self assured and enhance creative communication, peridot is a  good choice as well.

An alternative to peridot is onyx, particularly banded onyx. It is a less expensive option than peridot. Onyx is the astrological birthstone for the sign of Leo. Onyx is excellent for removing negative emotions and healing the wearer feel protected, grounded and strong. 

I have several options for August birthstone gifts at 25% off until the end of August.

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